Caring for adults with learning disabilities amid the Coronavirus

Do you care for an adult with learning disabilities? We would like to invite you to our event on Thursday 10th December from 5-7 pm.
Caring for adults with learning disabilities amid the Coronavirus.png

This event is aimed at people who are responsible for caring for an adult with learning disabilities. We are interested in hearing how you have coped since lockdown has begun and making sure your needs and concerns are heard by decision makers. The goal of this event is to listen to what you have to say, answer any questions you might have, and signpost you in the right direction when we can.

The event will be held remotely via zoom, and hosted jointly by Richmond Mencap and Healthwatch Richmond. Representatives from Richmond Council and social services will be present to hear your views. We emphasize that this event is confidential, and your view will not be shared outside of the discussion unless you allow us to do so.

To register, please click here

We look forward to seeing you there!

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