Transforming Adult Mental Health Care

South West London & St George's NHS Mental Health Trust are transforming their services to make improvements to how they operate. We collected patient experiences to measure and monitor the level of patient satisfaction throughout the process.

As a part of this transformation, SWLSTG has implemented new roles and interventions, developed a social support model, and streamlined the pathway for referrals through the system. The aim of the new model is to improve the way that care is delivered in the borough.

Data Collection

For the baseline of this report, a sample of 200 recent service users was randomly selected by SWLSTG Trust. We distributed s survey via email, text message and over the phone.

We received a total of 41 completed surveys from people who had used the services within 6 months prior to the transformation taking place.


Quantitative feedback about Trust services were relatively balanced without any areas of very strong (strongest 68% positive) or weak (weakest 49% negative of which 32% strongly negative) performance.  Whilst tending towards positive, in most areas a considerable proportion of patients provided negative feedback. This supports the need for and value of the transformation programme and will help to quide the improvements.

A similar picture is present from the qualitative data with mixed positive and negative feedback provided.  Consistent areas of relative strength and weakness were highlighted across both quantitative and qualitative responses.

It is fair to conclude from the findings that there is good evidence to justify the need for the transformation plan, and indeed some indication of where it should focus.

We'll be repeating this exercise at 6 monthly intervals to track the impact of the transformation programme and inform future improvements will publish our findings at the end.   

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