1. Report -

    To give our community a voice in in the Care Act, the largest piece of social care legislation in 60 years, we ran an extensive engagement programme reaching around 300 people from across the community. Read about the findings of this work here.
  2. Report -

    This report represents 2200 experiences collected through around 250 visits to community groups across the geographic and demographic range of Richmond as well as the findings of focussed reviews of services where relevant to the JSNA topics.
  3. Report -

    We published a report summarising the findings from the first 200 responses to our wellbeing and healthcare surveys and calls to our office during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  4. Report -

    We collected the experience of over 800 residents to improve local services helping people to eat healthy, stay active, stop smoking, and reduce alcohol intake.
  5. Report -

    Healthwatch Richmond was asked to gather information about provision for young people with special educational needs and disabilities by Richmond Council. This was done in collaboration with the Integrated Care Board and Achieving for Children.
  6. Report -

    Healthwatch Richmond have commented on the CQC/Ofsted Inspection Improvement Plan for Achieving for Children.