1. Report -

    Healthwatch Richmond gathered the views and experiences of over 100 women about the care they received during pregnancy (antenatal care).
  2. Report -

    This report represents 2200 experiences collected through around 250 visits to community groups across the geographic and demographic range of Richmond as well as the findings of focussed reviews of services where relevant to the JSNA topics.
  3. News -

    We collected experiences of maternity care during the coronavirus pandemic at West Middlesex & Chelsea & Westminster Hospital. The Survey is now closed and a report has not been published
  4. Report -

    Read about the experiences of 432 women who used maternity services at West Middlesex or Chelsea & Westminster Hospitals during the coronavirus pandemic.
  5. News -

    The Care Act was the largest piece of social care legislation in 60 years. It reformed the law relating to care and support for adults and carers, bringing in a new legal framework that encompassed the whole population.

  6. Report -

    To give our community a voice in in the Care Act, the largest piece of social care legislation in 60 years, we ran an extensive engagement programme reaching around 300 people from across the community. Read about the findings of this work here.
  7. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's (NICE) quick guide to discussing and planning support following a dementia diagnosis.
  8. News -

    The NHS, Richmond Council, voluntary sector and Healthwatch have launched a two-year plan to meet the health and care needs of people living in Richmond.
  9. Advice and Information -

    This guidance is for anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who, due to a lifelong condition, illness, disability, serious injury, a mental health condition or an addiction, cannot cope without their support.
  10. Report -

    We published a report summarising the findings from the first 200 responses to our wellbeing and healthcare surveys and calls to our office during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  11. News -

    Listen to the first episode of our new podcast series below.
  12. Report -

    We collected the experience of over 800 residents to improve local services helping people to eat healthy, stay active, stop smoking, and reduce alcohol intake.
  13. Response -

    When a child or young person has a special educational need/disability (SEND), there are often lots of different organisations involved in providing the education, health and social care support needed for that individual to achieve their potential.
  14. Report -

    Healthwatch Richmond was asked to gather information about provision for young people with special educational needs and disabilities by Richmond Council. This was done in collaboration with the Integrated Care Board and Achieving for Children.
  15. Report -

    Healthwatch Richmond have commented on the CQC/Ofsted Inspection Improvement Plan for Achieving for Children.
  16. Report -

    Here you will find the Quality Accounts for 2013-2014, and Healthwatch Richmond's commentary on these accounts.
  17. Report -

    Here you will find the 2014-15 Quality Accounts for our main providers and our commentaries to them.
  18. News -

    Jakhya Rahman and Sandra Hempel attended this event on behalf of Healthwatch Richmond. It was organised by Marina Yannakoudakis, Conservative MEP for London, and sponsored by the Evening Standard.
  19. News -

    During late 2013 we heard concerns from the community about problems with the continence service that were affecting people's dignity and quality of life.

  20. News -

    In early July 2018, the Walk-In Centre at Teddington Memorial Hospital was combined with the collocated extended hours GP service to become an Urgent Treatment Centre.
  21. Report -

    We held an event, where NHS commissioners answered pressing questions from around 120 local residents about the recently published changes to the local NHS. These changes aimed to deliver care in south-west London at substantially lower costs.
  22. Report -

    Here you will find the 2016-16 Quality Accounts for our main providers and our commentaries to them.
  23. Report -

    Here you will find the Quality Accounts for 2016-2017, and Healthwatch Richmond's commentary on these accounts.
  24. Report -

    Here you will find the Quality Accounts for 2013-2014, and Healthwatch Richmond's commentary on these accounts.
  25. Report -

    Here you will find the Quality Accounts for 2013-2014, and Healthwatch Richmond's commentary on these accounts.
  26. News -

    Aged 13-17?
    Living in Richmond or Kingston?
    Interested in volunteering?

  27. Report -

    Read about the experiences of people in Richmond upon Thames during the Coronavirus crisis between March to July 2020.
  28. News -

    October 2020 is Black History Month and Richmond Council will be celebrating the achievements and contributions of Black people in Richmond upon Thames.
  29. News -

    Since March 2020, when the Coronavirus lockdown began, Healthwatch Richmond has been helping fellow voluntary care groups by processing DBS checks for their volunteers.
  30. News -

    On Tuesday 24th February we hosted a public event via Zoom to do celebrate LGBTQ+ contributions in the borough. Read about our successful event and have a look at some useful resources below.
  31. News -

    Applications are now open for Healthwatch Volunteers. Find out how you can get involved.