1. Advice and Information -

    Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals who can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses. Here are four ways your pharmacist can help you.
  2. Report -

    This report represents 2200 experiences collected through around 250 visits to community groups across the geographic and demographic range of Richmond as well as the findings of focussed reviews of services where relevant to the JSNA topics.
  3. Report -

    We published a report summarising the findings from the first 200 responses to our wellbeing and healthcare surveys and calls to our office during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  4. Report -

    Read about the experiences of people in Richmond upon Thames during the Coronavirus crisis between March to July 2020.
  5. Advice and Information -

    For new arrivals to the UK it can be confusing where to go if you need medical assistance. Here we outline your rights as a refugee, where you can access emergency help and how to register for a GP.
  6. News -

    In November 2023, Boots Pharmacy in Tangley Park and Priory Road closed down, leaving only one remaining pharmacy in Hampton. We had a number of residents contact us about the major inconvenience this has caused.
  7. Report -

    This report details the experiences of almost 700 residents in the wake of 2 pharmacy closures in Hampton North in late 2023. It describes the impact on residents, makes recommendations for improving provision both in Hampton and nationally, and has led to improvements for residents.
  8. Report -

    We carried out a series of visits to review adult inpatient wards at West Middlesex Hospital. The findings of the report were based on the experiences of over 100 patients and/or their family, and 27 members of staff.
  9. Report -

    Here you will find the Quality Accounts for 2013-2014, and Healthwatch Richmond's commentary on these accounts.
  10. Report -

    Here you will find the 2014-15 Quality Accounts for our main providers and our commentaries to them.
  11. Report -

    In November 2014, we visited West Middlesex University Hospital to ask inpatients about their experiences of care. We spent nearly 70 hours in the Hospital over three weeks, speaking to more than 100 patients and observing care.
  12. Report -

    We reviewed the discharge process from hospitals throughout the borough. We mapped the process of patient discharge from hospital to home, and then asked patients and carers for their feedback and experiences.
  13. Report -

    The Mary Seacole Ward is part of the Inpatient Elderly Rehabilitation Service which focuses on maximising the functional and physical abilities of the patient.

  14. News -

    On 26th November 2015, over 120 people joined us for our event and public exhibition.
  15. Report -

    As part of a series of Enter & View visits to assess local care, we have published our report into Gwynne Holford, a neurorehabilitation ward at Queen Mary's Hospital in Roehampton.
  16. Report -

    We held an event, where NHS commissioners answered pressing questions from around 120 local residents about the recently published changes to the local NHS. These changes aimed to deliver care in south-west London at substantially lower costs.
  17. Report -

    In July and August 2017, we visited the Lavender Ward at Queen Mary's Hospital (Roehampton). Lavender Ward is an acute admissions and treatment unit for adults (18-65 years old) experiencing a severe episode of mental illness.
  18. Report -

    Here you will find the 2016-16 Quality Accounts for our main providers and our commentaries to them.
  19. Report -

    Here you will find the Quality Accounts for 2016-2017, and Healthwatch Richmond's commentary on these accounts.
  20. Report -

    Here you will find the Quality Accounts for 2013-2014, and Healthwatch Richmond's commentary on these accounts.
  21. Report -

    Here you will find the Quality Accounts for 2013-2014, and Healthwatch Richmond's commentary on these accounts.
  22. Advice and Information -

    It’s vital that when it’s time for you to leave hospital, you have all the medication, information and support in place to help you keep getting better.
  23. Advice and Information -

    Find out what support is available to help you travel to your hospital appointments
  24. Report -

    We carried out a series of visits to review adult inpatient wards at Kingston Hospital. The findings of the report were based on the experiences of 102 patients and/or their family, and 65 members of staff.
  25. News -

    In February 2019, Youth Out Loud! completed their first 15 steps challenge at Kingston Hospital. They gave invaluable advice to improve the paediatric day unit and the paediatric emergency unit.
  26. News -

    NHS England are reviewing non-emergency patient transport. We have used your experiences from the past 4 years to provide evidence to this consultation that could help to improve the service.
  27. News -

    To help monitor services the CQC can request that we review the patient experiences we have collected for that service. We have reviewed experiences of West Middlesex Hospital shared with us since January 2018.
  28. News -

    If you’ve been receiving care in hospital there can be lots to think about when you’re getting ready to leave, such as any support you will need to help you manage your health and wellbeing.
  29. News -

    The South West London and Surrey Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee received a presentation from the NHS Specialised Commissioning Team on the reconfiguration of Children’s Cancer Principal Treatment Centre.
  30. News -

    Applications are now open for Healthwatch Volunteers. Find out how you can get involved.
  31. Report -

    Kingston Hospital contacted Healthwatch Richmond to conduct a survey that would help understand better the needs of patients in terms of blood tests appointments.
    The aim was to collect patient’s views on their phlebotomy experience, in order to better understand patients’ needs and preferences.
  32. Report -

    Healthwatch Richmond collected the opinions of parents and schools on services they have received from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in Richmond.
  33. Report -

    Healthwatch Richmond was invited to work in collaboration with Richmond SEND Family Voice (RSFV), ADHD Richmond and Richmond National Autistic society (Richmond NAS) to collect the opinions of parents and schools on CAMHS services.
  34. News -

    Jakhya Rahman and Sandra Hempel attended this event on behalf of Healthwatch Richmond. It was organised by Marina Yannakoudakis, Conservative MEP for London, and sponsored by the Evening Standard.
  35. Report -

    To give our community a voice in in the Care Act, the largest piece of social care legislation in 60 years, we ran an extensive engagement programme reaching around 300 people from across the community. Read about the findings of this work here.
  36. Report -

    In 2016 we undertook a review of emotional wellbeing and mental health services for young people. This is what we found.
  37. News -

    The NHS, Richmond Council, voluntary sector and Healthwatch have launched a two-year plan to meet the health and care needs of people living in Richmond.
  38. News -

    Aged 13-17?
    Living in Richmond or Kingston?
    Interested in volunteering?

  39. Advice and Information -

    The government and the NHS are taking necessary steps to manage the pandemic, reduce transmission and treat those who need medical attention. Here we explain what this means for children, young people and their families.
  40. Advice and Information -

    The shielding programme ended in England on 15 September 2021. This means that people who were previously considered clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) will not be advised to shield in the future or follow specific guidance.
  41. Advice and Information -

    If you're a young person and you're concerned about the spread of coronavirus amongst kids and teens, below are some resources and information for you.
  42. Advice and Information -

    The Covid-19 pandemic is full of uncertainties and you may be asked by your school, college or workplace to stay at home for a period of time. It is now more important then ever that you look after yourself and your wellbeing. But how?
  43. News -

    Our youth group - Youth Out Loud! (YOL!) have launched their video "Self Harm: Being a Good Friend" and a fantastic set of resources to help manage mental health.
  44. Report -

    Read our Youth Out Loud! (YOL!) report into young people's experiences during coronavirus. YOL! is a partnership between Healthwatch Richmond and Healthwatch Kingston.
  45. Advice and Information -

    It is important you answer children and young people's questions about COVID-19 in a way they can understand, without causing alarm.
  46. News -

    Healthwatch Richmond shared our experience, success and achievements from supporting Youth Out Loud! since the pandemic began, with 42 Healthwatch from across the country at national Healthwatch Week conference.
  47. News -

    Youth Out Loud! works with young people aged 13-17
  48. News -

    Youth Out Loud! develops, produces and distributes podcasts made by young people, for young people, using the expertise of professionals, on important topics around health and social care services.
  49. Report -

    The revised SEND Futures Plan aims to improve the quality of services for children & young people and reduce the financial deficit in Richmond. We responded to the plan to ensure peoples' voices were included. Read the plan and our response here.