1. Advice and Information -

    Four questions staff should ask you or a loved one about your oral health if you’re a care home resident, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence quick guide.
  2. Advice and Information -

    Are you having trouble finding an NHS funded dentist? Read our tips on what to do if you’re facing problems.
  3. Advice and Information -

    The coronavirus pandemic has created a backlog of patients in need of dental care. Practices will prioritise patients with the most urgent need. Read the latest advice on how to access dental care during the pandemic.
  4. Report -

    This report represents 2200 experiences collected through around 250 visits to community groups across the geographic and demographic range of Richmond as well as the findings of focussed reviews of services where relevant to the JSNA topics.
  5. Report -

    We published a report summarising the findings from the first 200 responses to our wellbeing and healthcare surveys and calls to our office during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  6. Report -

    Healthwatch Richmond heard from over 300 people about accessing dental care in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, between October and November 2020 and found that access to NHS dentistry is a local and nationwide problem amid the pandemic
  7. News -

    Local MP Munira Wilson speaks out in Parliamentary address on the dental health crisis
  8. Advice and Information -

    For new arrivals to the UK it can be confusing where to go if you need medical assistance. Here we outline your rights as a refugee, where you can access emergency help and how to register for a GP.
  9. News -

    Healthwatch Richmond has been campaigning for improvements in NHS Dentistry since late 2020 when it first became clear that the pandemic had led to a crisis in an already overstretched service.
  10. News -

    We know from feedback through our website and at community events that many people in Richmond still aren’t able to see an NHS dentist. Take our survey to help us make improvements.
  11. Advice and Information -

    The NHS, social care and local charities can provide a range of help. We've produced this downloadable leaflet to help you find help when you need it.

  12. Advice and Information -

    The NHS, social care and local charities can provide a range of help. We've produced this downloadable leaflet to help you find help when you need it.
  13. Advice and Information -

    Everyone should be able to access good quality NHS dental services. Take a look at our top tips to help you get the most out of your next dental appointment.
  14. Report -

    The 2016/17 Annual Report demonstrates our continuing commitment to delivering a high quality and high value Healthwatch Richmond.
  15. News -

    An integral part of our work is talking to you, the community, about local health and social care services. We've visited hundreds of community groups and spaces to hear from thousands of people.
    The experiences people share shape our work plans.
  16. Report -

    Read our 2014/15 Annual Report. This demonstrates how we continue making a difference to local health and social care services.
  17. Report -

    Healthwatch Richmond's first Annual Report
  18. Report -

    Read the Healthwatch Annual Report for 2015-2016. The report gives an overview of our work over the year, describes our key achievements and how we have made a difference to local health and social care services.
  19. Report -

    The report demonstrates how we have made a difference to the care that local people receive.
  20. Report -

    Individuals and organisations have the right to express their views about the performance of Healthwatch Richmond or Richmond Health Voices and the way in which it conducts its business. 
  21. News -

    As your watchdog we want to represent your voice. We speak to thousands of people and we want to ensure that the views and experiences in our database represent our Borough. We have looked at the demographics of people who have spoken to us.
  22. Report -

    Healthwatch Richmond is an independent organisation. Managing potential conflicts of interests is important for this. We require all Trustees and Committee members to make the following declaration of interests:
  23. Report -

    Healthwatch organisations are required to have and publish a decision making policy. Our is here.
  24. Report -

    Our Annual Report 2019/20 demonstrates our work and impact over the year
  25. Report -

    We have published our Mid Year review for the year 2020/21, covering our work since April 2020 until now.
  26. Report -

    2020/21 was our busiest and most successful year to date. Find out more about it here
  27. News -

    Healthwatch Richmond has been nominated for a prestigious national award for COVID-19 Response which has helped seldom heard groups access care and have a voice during the pandemic, across Richmond.
  28. Report -

    "Throughout, our overriding concern was to maintain our effectiveness in serving the interests of Richmond residents, patients and service users." - John Anderson, Chair, Healthwatch Richmond. Read the report here
  29. Blog -

    Could you help us to make health or social care better for our community? Our role is exciting and our success is built on the support that our Trustees give us to ensure that we're working effectively.

  30. Report -

    2023 marks the 10-year anniversary of the launch of Healthwatch and, having run Healthwatch Richmond since its inception in 2013, we are delighted to present our Annual Report 2022-23.
  31. News -

    Applications are now open for Healthwatch Volunteers. Find out how you can get involved.
  32. Report -

    Read about our work and impact in 2023-24 and our plans for 2024-25.
  33. News -

    High quality care for children and young people is one of South West London's health and care plan top priorities. Find how Healthwatch Richmond and Kingston are supporting it.
  34. Report -

    Our 2017/18 Annual Report demonstrates our ongoing efforts to deliver a high quality service for Richmond residents.
  35. Report -

    Healthwatch Richmond collected the opinions of parents and schools on services they have received from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in Richmond.
  36. Report -

    Healthwatch Richmond was invited to work in collaboration with Richmond SEND Family Voice (RSFV), ADHD Richmond and Richmond National Autistic society (Richmond NAS) to collect the opinions of parents and schools on CAMHS services.
  37. News -

    Jakhya Rahman and Sandra Hempel attended this event on behalf of Healthwatch Richmond. It was organised by Marina Yannakoudakis, Conservative MEP for London, and sponsored by the Evening Standard.
  38. Report -

    To give our community a voice in in the Care Act, the largest piece of social care legislation in 60 years, we ran an extensive engagement programme reaching around 300 people from across the community. Read about the findings of this work here.
  39. Report -

    In 2016 we undertook a review of emotional wellbeing and mental health services for young people. This is what we found.
  40. News -

    The NHS, Richmond Council, voluntary sector and Healthwatch have launched a two-year plan to meet the health and care needs of people living in Richmond.
  41. News -

    In February 2019, Youth Out Loud! completed their first 15 steps challenge at Kingston Hospital. They gave invaluable advice to improve the paediatric day unit and the paediatric emergency unit.
  42. News -

    Aged 13-17?
    Living in Richmond or Kingston?
    Interested in volunteering?

  43. Advice and Information -

    The government and the NHS are taking necessary steps to manage the pandemic, reduce transmission and treat those who need medical attention. Here we explain what this means for children, young people and their families.
  44. Advice and Information -

    The shielding programme ended in England on 15 September 2021. This means that people who were previously considered clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) will not be advised to shield in the future or follow specific guidance.